Mental Disorder


Mental disorders called mental confusion, mental disorder, mental illness, or mental disorders.
According to Kaplan, citing DSM-IV (diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders IV edition), mental disorders are each understood as a mental disorder or a syndrome or a psychological behavior patterns that are clinically meaningful is happening at an individual and is accompanied by the individual who experience or with an increased risk of death bermaknauntuk, pain, disability, or loss of freedom is important.

From various investigations can be said that mental disorders are a set of circumstances that are not normal, either physically associated with, or with mental. Abnormality is in divided into two golonganyaitu; mental disorders (neurosa) and mental illness (psychosis). Abnormality seen in a variety of symptoms that are most important include: tension, despair in depressed, anxious, worried, actions are forced, Hysteria, feeling weak, and unable to achieve goals, fear, bad thoughts and so on.

According zakiah Darajat, neurosa affected people still know and feel the difficulty, and his personality is not far from reality and still live in alamkenyataan in general, while the people affected by psychosis do not understand the difficulties, difficulty, and personality.

Causes of mental disorders

Three factors that affect mental disorders according Kartono Kartini (1999):
a. Internal factors, the influence that comes from within the individual itself, such as biological predisposition structure / physical and mental or personality structure of the weak.
b. External factors, influences from outside the individual self. Social and cultural conflicts that influenced the individual's personality and change individual behavior becomes abnormal.
c. Intrapsychic process is wrong, which is a process that took place within the individual personality or soul. Forcing the mind of the experience the wrong way.

Symptom of mental disorder

A. Cognition disorders
Cognition is a mental process by which an individual is aware of and maintain good relationships with their environment and the environment in the outside environment (known function).
The parts of the process of cognition is not a power of separate, but actually he is the way of an individual to function in relationship and environment.
The process of cognition include

- Sensation and perception

- Concideration

- Memory

- Association

- Considerations

- Mind

- Awareness

  1. Disturbances of sensation and perception

a. Sensation or sensation is knowledge or awareness of some stimuli. There are 6 kinds of sensations, namely: race soy sauce, taste around, a sense of smell, sight, hearing, and health. For each there should be a stimulating sensation that can be interpreted as any change in external energy that can lead to an answer.

b. Perception, or perception, is the awareness of the stimuli are understood. So the perception is sensation plus the understanding, which comes from the interaction and association process various incoming stimuli or in other words can be described as an experience of objects and events existing at the time.

Various kinds of sensation and perception disorders:

1. Sensation disorders

a. Hiperestesia is a condition in which abnormal increase of the sensitivity of the sensing process, whether hot, cold, pain or touched.

b. Anesthesia is a state diman not found at all in the sensory feelings. Be comprehensive in nature, local or part of it. Distinguished on functional anesthesia anesthesia affected areas are not in accordance with the requirements usually lead to anesthesia.

c. Paraesthesia was eadaan diman changes occurring in the normal sense (usually taste around), such as tingling.
Paraesthesia can be: diman state Acroparestesia is happening feeling "thickening" at the ends of the extremities.
Aestereognosis is a state of failure diman known form of an object by feeling around.

d. Synesthesia is a condition in which the appropriate stimuli with a certain sense, be taken by the other senses.

e. Hiperosmia is a situation where an excessive increase in olfactory sensitivity (function smell).

f. Anosmia is a condition in which there is a failure / loss of power of smell either partially or entirely.

g. Hiperkinestesia are circumstances where an increase in excessive sensitivity to the feelings of the body motion.

h. Hipokinestesia is a state where a decline in excessive sensitivity to the feelings of the body motion.

2. Perception Disorder

a. Illusion is a misperception / false, where there is or ever adarangsangan from the outside. Illusions can occur in everyday life, one can express emotion or a very strong motivation to do the wrong interpretation of the image sensing. The situation is usually consciously repressed and later diintepretasikan dynamically will be an illusion.

b. Hallucination is a false perception without ijumpai any external stimuli. Although seen as something that "imaginary'', hallucinations actually part of the mental life of patients who" terepresi ". Hallucinations can occur because the basics of organic functional, psychotic, or hysterical.
The types of hallucinations:

1) Hallucination auditory (auditif, acoustic)
The most common form of sound or noise mendenging that has no meaning, but more often heard as a word or phrase that means

2) Hallucinations of vision
More common in delirium conditions (organic disease). Normally often occur together with a decrease in consciousness, creates fear because the images are frightening.

3) Hallucinations of smell (olfaktorik)
Usually a certain smell and feeling uncomfortable, symbolizes guilt in people. The smell is represented as the patient experience is considered as a combination of moral.

4) Hallucinations tasting (gustatorik)
Although rare, usually in conjunction with olfactory hallucinations, the patient was tasting something.

5) Hallucinations touched (tactile)
Feeling touched, touched, blown, or like a caterpillar, moving ynag under kulit.terutama on toksis state of delirium and schizophrenia.

6) Sexual Hallucinations, including hallucinations around;

Patients felt tangible and raped, often in schizophrenia with the supposition greatness terutamamengenai organs.

7) hallucination kinesthetic;
The patient felt his body moving in a space or a limb moved.

8) Hallucination visceral;
The emergence of a certain feeling in his body.

c. Depersonalization

The symptoms of depersonalization disorder have been described earlier. Although DSM-IV-TR does not specify a list of primary symptoms of depersonalization, British clinicians generally consider the triad of emotional numbing, changes in visual perception, and altered experience of one's body to be important core symptoms of depersonalization disorder. DSM-IV-TR notes that patients with depersonalization disorder frequently score high on measurements of hypnotizability.

d. Derealisation

A change in an individual's experience of the environment, where the world around him/her feels unreal and unfamiliar.

Terms commonly used to describe the symptoms and sensations of derealisation:

· spaciness

· like looking through a gray veil

· a sensory fog

· spaced-out

· being trapped in a glass bell jar

· in a goldfish bowl

· behind glass

· in a Disney-world dream state

· withdrawn

· feeling cut off or distant from the immediate surroundings

· like being a spectator at some strange and meaningless game

· objects appear diminished in size

· flat

· dream-like

· cartoon-like

· artificial; objects appear to be unsolid, to breathe, or to shimmer

· "as if my head were inside a Coke bottle and I'm viewing the world through the thick glass at the bottom"

B. Attention Disorder
Attention is the centralization and concentration of energy rate in a cognitive process that comes from the outside due to a stimulation. In order that the attention can get results, there should be 3 conditions are met, namely: inhibis, here all the stimuli that do not include the object of attention should be removed; apersepsi, who presented only thing closely related to the object of attention; adaptation, tools that used to function properly due to adjustments required for the job object.
Some forms of attention disorders:

1. distraktibiliti is easily diverted attention by stimuli that does not mean, for example: the sound of mosquitoes, the sound of the ship, people pass by, and so on.

2. aproseksia is a situation where there is the inability to observe diligently the situation or circumstances without regard to the importance of the problem.

3. hiperproseksia is a condition in which the concentration or the concentration of attention overload, so it narrows the existing perceptions.

C. Memory disorders
Memory (memories, memory) is the ability to record, store, produce content and signs of consciousness. So the memory process consists of 3 elements, namely: records (keep in mind, reception and registration), storage (holding, retention, preservation), call return (recalling).
Disruption of memory occurs when there is interference on one or more drai 3 elements, factors affecting the physical state (fatigue, pain, anxiety) and age. After 50 years of age memory function will be reduced gradually.
Here are some forms of memory disorders:

1. amnesia

inability to recall the existing experience, may be partial or total retrograde or antegrad and can be caused by organic factors or psikogen. Organic cause, damage to the elements of the recording and storage, whereas for the calling process psikogen for re-blocked by psychological factors. In psikogen amnesia: no disturbance of consciousness, there is no damage to intellectual functioning, is selective against unpleasant events, healing can occur suddenly and perfect.

1. hipernemsia

a state of overload call back so that one can describe the events very carefully and came to the things that a nicety. Often in circumstances amnia, paranoia, and catatonic.

2. paramnesia (forgery or pemiuhan memory)

is a disorder in which a deviation occurs or pemiuhan of old memories are well known. This distortion occurs due to the calling process paramnesia useful as a protection against fear.

a. konfabulasi a condition where a person consciously fill the holes in his memory with a story that does not match reality, but the corresponding believe in the truth.

b. Falsification retrospective: is called the illusion of memory that was formed in response to affective needs. Patients will give a false conclusion of an event by adding the things that made their own small or connect with experiences that are not based on reality at all.

c. Déjà vu (illusion of memory): a feeling as if it never saw the actual seuatu had never seen. This situation arises when the time had ties with the Association of past experiences that deliberately forgotten, is usually the experience is central to the conflict are consequently repressed.

d. De Jamais vu: a false sense of an actual event that has ever happened but this time felt not or have never experienced or seen. These symptoms often occur in schizophrenia, psikoneurosis, temporalsi lobe lesions, such as fatigue and toksis epilepsy.

D. Disorder Association

Association is the mental process by which a feeling, impression or memory representation tends to give the impression or image of the response / other concept, which was previously associated with it.

In the normal mental life, the association occurs continuously with certain patterns. Factor-menentukkan factors dalamproses patterns of association among others:
1. environmental conditions at the time.
2. events that had happened.
3. learning and previous experience.
4. expectations and habits of a person.
5. needs and emotional history.

Some forms of interference of association:

1. retardation (deceleration); is the association that lasted more slowly than usual.

2. poverty of ideas; a situation where there is a lack of association which can be used.

3. perseversi; a situation where an association repeated continuously back as if nenggambarkan someone no longer able to let go of ideas that have been spoken.

4. flight of ideas (ideals running, jumping mind); a situation where the flow proceeded in a rapid association that appeared from the change content of the conversation and thought. Here was an idea not yet completed, followed by other ideas.

5. inkohoresi; a situation where the flow of association is not related to each other. Can be shaped as a "hodgepodge word" (word salad) or a neologism (formation of new words that do not mean). Inkohorensi can be described as a "loose association".

6. blocking (resistance, impact); a state where there is a failure to form associations, ranging from the situation as a result of a strong emotional reaction to the blocking of old such as found in severe mental illness. Here, people can not explain why he stopped.

7. aphasia; a situation where there is a failure in part or in full to use or understand language.

E. Interference considerations
Considerations (assessment) is a mental process to compare or evaluate several options in a framework by giving grades to decide the purpose or intent of an activity. Comparing here include the term of "great importance", "truth", his kindness, beauty ", and so on. Three things that would support the consideration of:
1. sensory apparatus capable and have a thorough perception of discrimination.
2. memory full of data as a basis for comparison.
3. motor officers who have the skills or the ability to decide and the inhibition mechanism for excessive activity.
F. Thought Disorder
Public mind is to put the relationship between the various parts of one's knowledge. Thinking is a process to unite or connect ideas by thinking, forming the sense to draw conclusions, as well as the processes to form new ideas. So in the process of thinking involves the consideration process of understanding, memory, and reasoning.
The normal thinking process containing the current idea, symbol, and associations that focus on the goal and raised by a problem or task that can lead to a solution-oriented reality.
Factors that affect the process of thinking, namely:
1. factor somatic (brain disorders and fatigue).
2. psychological factors (emotional disorders and psychosis).
3. social factors (noise and a certain social circumstances).
Some forms of disruption thinking process:

1. disturbance of the mind (production); including any deviations from rational thinking, logic, and focus on a goal:
a. deristik mind

is a form of mind where there is no relationship between the experience of mental processes that are running. Here the mental processes are not appropriate or does not follow reality, logic, or experience.

b. autistic thinking
disruption in the process of thinking where there is a failure in distinguishing the boundary between reality and fantasy. With autistic thinking, a desire to satisfy the fantasies (imaginative) by ignoring the efforts to satisfy the realistic.

c. mind that non-realistic
of mind was not based on reality. Is a prominent symptom of schizophrenia in addition hebefrenik behavior childish. These three forms of thought can be distinguished, but are sometimes put together by taking one term only.

d. obsessive thoughts
disturbance of mind where one idea always comes over and over again, consciously irrational and undesirable, but not eliminated.

e. Konfabulasi

Disturbance of mind in which a unifying new things or events that are not related, in an effort to fill vacancies arising because of the thought of memory loss.

2. current noise or way of thinking, including ways and speed the process of association in the mind:

a. flight of ideas (ideals running, jumping thoughts drift) is a state where a sudden change, rapid in speech, so that an idea has not done already followed by other ideas. It is said that comes from within and from outside. A word that sounds similar, but different means to create a new mind "clang association".

b. retardation (slowing down) the circumstances in which the deceleration occurs in a person's mind, often found in people with schizophrenia and psychosis effective depression phase.

c. Persevarasi, namely a situation where someone is repeatedly told an idea, thought or theme to excess.

d. Circumstantiality (devious thoughts, thoughts swirling) is a state where to go indirectly to the main idea by adding a lot of trivial things that dull-trivial and irrelevant. Often found in children or the retarded (MR), epilepsy and senile dementia are not heavy.

e. Inkohorensi, namely a situation where there ganguan in the form of talking, the conversation is difficult or can not be captured point. Inkohorensi This can be considered as an extreme associations. In inkohorensi there "gado-gado word" (word salad).

f. blocking (barriers, obstacles, collisions) is a state where the mind suddenly stopped, this can not be explained by the patient. Likely caused by a complex activity and dominant from the effects of bad or not approved.

g. Logorea, which is much talk in which new words are not understood in general.

h. Neologisms, which form new words that are not understood in general.

i. Irelevansi, namely a state where the contents of thought or speech has nothing to do with the questions or the thing being discussed.

j. Aphasia, a condition where a person does not or can not understand the conversation of others (sensory) and / or can not or hardly speak (motor). Often occurs in brain damage.

3. interference thoughts (including the contents of the mind that non-verbal or content of thought tell):
a. supposition

· supposition greatness (supposition expansive)
a false belief which broaden or enlarge one's self-interest, either on the quality of the act or event or person in sekiling, in the form is not realistic. This suspicion arises from an unnatural feeling, is not safe, and low self-esteem who consciously barred by the ideal and effective component of suspicion itself. The contents of the supposition greatness often show disappointment, failure, and feelings of insecurity.

· supposition depressive (blaming yourself)
unfounded beliefs. Blame yourself for his actions due to a violation of decency or other crimes. Depressive supposition is often perceived as: suspicion of guilt (feelings of guilt, loss of self-esteem), suspicion illness (disorder feelings from the body are affected by visceral emotional state), suspicion of poor (living sense of social values).

· supposition somatic (hipokondria supposition)
trends are distorted and dumb (bizarre) about the function and state of the body, such as the patient felt his body to rot or remove the stench.

· supposition nihilistic

a fact that he or someone else had died or been destroyed this world.

· supposition pursue
people believe that there are people who are disturbed, cheated, spied on or disfigure him.

· supposition relationship
belief that there is a direct connection between the wrong interpretation of the conversation, or talk of movement.

· supposition influence
the false belief that he is a subject of the influence of other people or supernatural force that is not involved.

b. phobia

is an irrational fear of an object or situation that can not be eliminated or suppressed by the patient even though we realize that it is irrational. Phobia can lead to a compulsion, phobia varied forms and many of the objects and circumstances.

c. ideas of reference (mind relationship)
a state where the conversation of people, objects or events connected with himself. Patients may be aware of irrational thoughts, such as the sound of birds pass for a story for him.

d. pre-occupation
is a thought that is fixed only on one idea, which is usually associated with strong emotional state.

e. thought insertion (parenthesis mind)
is a feeling that there are thoughts from the outside that is inserted and incorporated into the brain.

f. thought broad cast (broadcasting thoughts)
is a sense that his thoughts have been broadcast on radio, television, wire electrical clay, and light.

G. Awareness Disorder

Awareness is the ability to make contact with the environment and himself through the senses and a limitation on the environment and himself. If consciousness is good, it happens orientation (time place and person) and also bai understanding and information will be used effectively (through memory and consideration).
The forms disturbance of consciousness:
1. Awareness quantitative

a. Decreased consciousness; an awareness with the ability of perception, attention and thought as a whole decreases.

1) Apathy (like a sleepy consciousness)
2) Somnolen (like a sleepy consciousness right, member response when stimulated)
3) Spoor (only react with strong stimuli, memory, orientation, and consideration is lost)
4) Subkoma and comma (do not get any reaction to stimuli)

b. Awareness raising; state increased reaction to a stimuli, caused by toxic substances that stimulate the brain or by psychological factors.

2. Awareness qualitative

There is a change in the quality esadaran, can be caused by toxic conditions, organic, dn psikogen.

a. stupor; because of factors found in the state psikogen Katatonia, depression, epilepsy, fear, and dissociation reactions.

b. Twiligt state (state early, dusk, twilight); loss of memory on the basis of which psychological disturbed consciousness and in some eadaan very obscure, so people do not recognize the environment. Accompanied by hallucinations can hear, so it can perform certain actions. Usually people forget about the action during the evening and as if in a dream, take several minutes to several days.

c. Fuge; a period of decreased consciousness with the run cause a lot of stress, but can maintain the habit and skill.

d. Confusion (confusion); interference conditions for the destruction of sensory apparatus which found difficulty understanding, disruptive, disorientation associated with dysfunction.

e. Tranco (trans); eadaan consciousness without a clear reaction against lingungan that usually begins suddenly looked like a blank romanmuka, lost his mind, or daydreaming. Can be generated by the trust hipnosa or ceremony.

3. Disturbance orientation

Orientation is the ability to recognize lingkungannyaserta relationship with time, space, and to himself and others. Disorientation disorientation or disruption can occur as a disturbance of consciousness, about the time, about the place, and about people. Disorientation can occur in any of mental disorders where there is a great erusakan of memory, perception, and attention.

H. Interference Will
The will is a process which wishes to be considered and then decided to be carried out until reaching the goal.

The process will as follows:

- As seen (consisting of the voltage response and strong enough).

- When objective (existing desires, even if only in intention, but it is a goal already exists).

- When topical (arising awareness of the desires and wishes, the action was imagined and experienced).

- When subjective (in the form itself will act, with full awareness and use all the power and energy)

Willpower can be damaged by emotional disturbances, cognitive disturbances, organic brain damage, in a state not trained or even too much exercise.

Interference forms will:

a. Abulia (willingness weak); a state of inactivity as a result of the inability to make decisions or initiate a behavior.

b. Negativism; ketidasanggupan in acting on the suggestion and not infrequent implement something contrary to the disugestikan.

c. Stiffness (modulus); inability to have flexibility in deciding to change a behavior, such as stereotypes or attitudes which are mechanical geraan done repeatedly.

d. Compulsions; a state diman a feel encouraged to perform an action, which is recognized as an irrational or useless.

1. Kleptomania (compulsive stealing), which is often stolen goods that have symbolic meaning and are usually not valued.

2. Pyromania (compulsive burning), is seen as a symbolic form of sexual gratification.

3. Washing hands repeatedly with can not be prevented or controlled.

I. Emotion and affective disorders
Emotion is a conscious experience and give effect to the activities of the body and produces organic and kinetic sensations. Affects the life of feeling or tone of one's emotional feelings, pleasant or not, that accompanies a thought, usually long and often accompanied by physiological components.
Associated with understanding the affect, the emotion is a manifestation of affective out accompanied by many physiological components, usually lasted a relatively short time.
Sometimes the emotions and affective terms tida distinguished and shared.

The forms of emotional and affective disorders:

a. Euphoria; pleasant emotions, the cheerful, happy happy, happy that excessive and if not suitable circumstances, it demonstrates the existence of a mental disorder. People who euphoria usually optimistic, confident, and assertive in attitude.

b. Elasi; excessive euphoria is often accompanied by motor labih emotion and often become irritable.

c. Eksaltasi; elasi excessive and usually accompanied by his greatness (greatness supposition).

d. Eklasi (excitement); passion accompanied by excessive security, peace, and quiet usually associated with strong religious feelings.

e. Inappropriate affect (the affect that is not appropriate), is a symptom of emotional disturbance which found differences seem jelasantara emotions with situations that cause it, such a laugh when there was a disaster.

f. Affects the stiff (rigid) is a state where a sense of heart theta maintained, although there are stimuli that usually cause excessive emotional reactions.

g. Labile emotion is a phenomenon where there is excessive instability and emotional sort, quick change from one emotion to another emotion.

h. Anxiety and depresion is visible symptoms of facial expressions or behavior.

i. Emotion and ambivalence is the opposite affect that arise along with the person, an object or situation, hate but miss.

j. Apathetic, less or no emotional reaction at all in the circumstances which should lead to emotions.

k. Emotions are dull and flat, deduction or none at all the signs of affective expression.

J. Interference Psychomotor
Psychomotor body movements that are influenced by the state of the soul, so is the affect with which the body and soul. Also include conditions, Motori behavior, or motor aspects of a behavior.

The forms of psychomotor disturbances:

a. Increased activity.

1) Hyperactivity, hiperkinesia, aktivitasa and excessive pergerakkan response with increasing intensity.

2) Hipertonisitas, increased muscle tone handles.

3) catatonic agitated Gaduh, motor activity does not seem to aim, many times, and seemed not to be influenced by external stimuli.

b. Activity decreased

1) Hipoaktivitas, hipokinesia, activities and movement intensity decreases with a decreasing response.

2) motor slowness, decreased overall activity, eg, in the catatonic stupor.

3) Atonisitas, tone and condition of abnormal muscle contraction, can be completely or partially.

4) Paralisa, loss of muscle function bai in whole or in part only.

c. Activity disrupted or inappropriate.

1) ataxia, there is no coordination in the movement in his legs or feet.

2) Apraksia, unable to manipulate objects in a directed way.

3) Atetosis, constant movement, diffuse, such as legs and felt pain.

4) Movement khoreiform, irregular movements continuously controlled not by the will.

5) spasm, contraction otototot some or all of the tida controlled by the will.

6) Tremor, contraction of muscle fibers are light and rhythmic, which are not controlled, can be slow or fast, rough or smooth, regular or irregular.

7) Konvlusi, constant strain on the broad areas of the body and usually with loss of consciousness.

d. Activity repeatedly

1) Katalepsi, rigidly maintaining a certain body position.

2) Flexibility serea, one of katalepsi, which created the position of the body laindipertahankan continue.

3) Stereotipi, one movement repeated loss and is not intended.

4) Manerisma, geraan stereotipi and theatrical, ritual form and always repeated.

e. Automatism he commands according to a command automatically without conscious.

1) automatism, to do something automatically as a symbolic expression of unconscious activity.

2) Ehopraksia, directly copying another person's movements when he saw.

3) echolalia, a direct repeat or imitate what other people say.

f. Negativism; a psychological defense is concerned with the fight or argue against what they were told. There are 2 kinds, namely: On (do the opposite of what was ordered); passive (does not carry out what they're told).

g. Aversi, some corrections are aggressive and assertive are shown by opposing, envy, hate, nonkooperatif, refuse, and sometimes stupor reaction.


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